Published by TIMS (Bibliotheca Molinologica, vol. 19), in collaboration with the Saxon State Institute for Archaeology and Museum for Prehistory in Dresden, Germany (Publication No. 51), 2006 A4 in size, 368 pages, illustrated with almost 500 pictures, drawings and maps in black and white. Soft cover in full colour. Translated into English by Michael Harverson and Leo van der Drift, includes summaries in German and French. This book, which is based on a doctoral dissertation submitted by the author in 2003, brings together in the first half archaeological finds and technical and historical facts about boat mills for the whole period of their existence. Illustrations, textual sources and artefacts are drawn from all over Europe, from Portugal on the Atlantic to Georgia on the Black Sea. The subject has never before been explored in print in such authoritative detail. Boat mills were probably distributed on all major European rivers and many of their tributaries, apart from Scandinavia. The author has identified by name 695 locations, principally on the Seine, Loire, Garonne, Rhône, Rhine, Weser, Elbe, Oder, Danube, Po and their tributaries, on which one or more boat mills have existed at one time or another. A comparison of the characteristics of the boat mills on the various rivers is made, resulting in a new typology. All boat mills are individually catalogued in a comprehensive gazetteer in the second half of the volume.