The Legend of Queen Dagmar The beloved Queen Dagmar (softly pronounced as Dow-mer with the accent on the first syllable) was born a princess in Bohemia. She was the wife of thirteenth-century ruler Valdemar the Victorious. Much loved by the people of Denmark, she died prematurely in 1212. She is still revered in Danish folk ballads by the people of Denmark even today. When her gravesite was removed in 1690 to make way for the tomb of Erik VI (Menved) and his Queen Ingeborg, a small gold cross with detailed enamel work was found on the breast of Queen Dagmar. It became known as the Dagmar Cross. It’s believed to date from A.D. 1000. The Dagmar Cross is of Byzantine design and workmanship. You will find several holy images on the cross. On one side of the cross is the Crucifixion. On the other side the half figure of Jesus Christ is in the center, with the Virgin to the left and St John the Evangelist on the right , and St Chrysostom is above and St Basil is below. Our very fine sterling silver Dagmar Cross pendant is made in Denmark. It is available in 3 sizes: 1/2 inch, 3/4 inch, and one inch. We also have the Dagmar Cross in gold. The Dagmar Cross has become a traditional symbol given as a gift on special occasions such as christenings and weddings