On a tall dune on the island of Fanø, the windmill stands watch and at its foot lies a red brick farmhouse. Here begins the tale of Karen Andersen, the miller’s eldest child, who would fly with the lark but whose heart can never forget the mill. It is the golden age of sail when the men of Fanø roam the seas as masters of tall ships while the women stay home, bound by centuries of tradition.Sixteen-year-old Karen, dreams of marrying First Mate Peter Larsen. Her mother has other plans. She mistrusts all seamen and fears that Peter would soon leave Karen widowed. Will Karen’s mother succeed in keeping the young couple apart? Meanwhile, Peter is on the merchant ship Marianne having adventures, amorous and otherwise, in ports around the world. His ambition is to become master of his own ship. Will Karen’s letters persuade him that she should sail at his side? Will Peter’s affection for a childhood friend turn to love of the gifted writer or will he be lured away by exotic ports?