We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your patience as we try to resolve this issue.

The Danish Windmill operation is funded primarily by annual membership dues, charitable donations to capital projects and annual appeals, retail sales of Danish collectibles and gifts through its museum store, fundraising events and grants. Your financial support will help fund historic preservation efforts to ensure the Mill’s continued welfare as well as to develop educational programming.
About our Non-Profit Organization
The Danish Mill Corporation is designated as a tax-exempt non-profit organization as outlined in Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code with its purpose being to construct and maintain an authentic Danish Windmill and to operate the Windmill as an educational and historical museum. It is governed locally by a volunteer board of directors. Charitable gifts and donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by the Internal Revenue Service of the US and Iowa laws.
The Board of Directors has adopted the Iowa Principals & Practices for Charitable Non-Profit Excellence. We are listed on Iowa’s Register of Nonprofits and attend the annual non-profit summit sponsored by the Larned A. Waterman Iowa Nonprofit Resource Center.
Potential donors can research the Mill’s public records and non-profit reports on GuideStar® where we are listed as DANISH MILL CORP AKA Danish Windmill. We received the GuideStar® Gold Star of Transparency in 2018.
Types of Gifts the Mill Accepts
The organization can accept a variety of gifts including: gifts of cash, gifts of securities, including stocks, bonds, mutual funds and IRAs, gifts-in-kind, personal property, trust accounts, insurance (as long as the Mill is both the owner and the beneficiary), and bequests.
Give a Memorial or Honorary Donation
Memorials are a lovely way to honor your loved ones. We will send a notification of your gift to the honoree or whomever you designate. You will receive a confirmation of your charitable gift for tax purposes.
Endow Iowa—Danish Windmill Foundation Endowed Fund
The Windmill Endowment Fund was established to help provide for the long term viability of the Windmill. It creates a perpetual source of funds that will be invested and earnings used to provide ongoing annual support, limited to 4.5 percent per year, for the Mill’s programs, operations and special projects. The Fund is managed by the Omaha Community Foundation.
Endowment donations offer tax advantages to the donor because they qualify as a federal tax deduction and Iowa residents may be eligible for an Endow Iowa Tax Credit of 25%. It is important to keep in mind that there is a limited pool of funds earmarked for Endow Iowa tax credits each year. Be sure to consult your own tax advisor for guidance to determine if either of these methods of giving is right for your tax solution. Plus, the Shelby County Community Foundation receives a matching grant from the Southwest Iowa Foundation as a result of the gift.
By contributing to the Endowment, donors can help assure that future generations will be able to experience the Danish cultural heritage and traditions that shaped our way of life on the Iowa prairie.
Donate by Wire Transfer
Wire transfer directly to our bank account:
Bankers Bank of Madison
Beneficiary Bank: Whitney Bank
ABA route #: 073902151
Further Credit: Danish Mill Corporation account #927929
Contact: Paul Gude, President at 712.243.3195 or email paul@firstwhitneybank.com should there be a need to communicate about an incoming transfer.
In Denmark: Donations to the Danish Windmill in Elk Horn can be transferred to the following:
Danske bank
Reg. No.: 3445
Account no 3448378802
Iban: dk5930003448378802
Please write your name on the donation in advance.

Gifts of Grain
Another method of charitable giving that offers significant tax benefits is giving grain instead of cash. Donated grain is not recorded as income; so you may save all or some of the following taxes:
- Self-employment tax of approximately 15%
- State taxes of approximately 7%
- Federal income tax (e.g. those who do not itemize deductions.)
It’s easy to give grain. Transfer or deposit your donation of grain to the Mill’s account with the Elk Horn Elevator/Scoular or ADM. Tell us of your gift at 712.764.7472 or windmill@metc.net. You’ll be given appropriate documentation for your tax records and receive recognition for your charitable donation.
The Annual Gala Chair-ity Auction
The Annual Gala and Chair-ity Auction is our major fundraising event and is usually scheduled for early November. Guests enjoy a Danish-inspired farm-to-table dinner featuring locally sourced foods topped off by a live auction. Whimsically decorated chairs, homemade raspberry pie and an opportunity to parachute out of a military aircraft are just a few of the items that have been donated for guests to bid on during the live and silent auctions.
Planned Giving, Bequests and Life Income Gifts
For information about planned giving, bequests, and life income gifts, please contact Lisa Steen Riggs at the Danish Windmill.
Shop at the Museum Gift Shop
The 1848 Danish Windmill Museum also includes an exquisite Danish import shop that features the old and new from Denmark. Featuring Royal Copenhagen, Bing & Grøndahl plates and dated collectibles, Viking and heritage gifts, food, books, and more. Proceeds from purchases support the Danish Windmill.
Ways to support the Windmill through your engagement with other organizations
Many organizations offer ways to support causes and raise funds through the workplace, where you shop, and more. Employers may boost your charitable donation by offering matching funds through their annual fundraising campaigns.
We are a participating non-profit and are listed with:
- JustGive.org,
- Thrivent Choice Dollars,
- GiveSmart,
- Network for Good
- PayPal Giving Fund | https://www.paypal.com/us/fundraiser/hub
- AmazonSmile | http://www.smile.amazon.com
PayPal Giving Fund–You can make a donation to the Danish Windmill through the PayPal Giving Fund. We are listed as Danish Mill in the Arts & Culture category. Your gift goes to PayPal Giving Fund, a 501(c)(3) public charity. PayPal covers all transaction fees. They deliver 100% of your donation to us as your chosen charity. PayPal Giving Fund will issue your donation receipt. They’ll share your name and email with us, so we can thank you. Or you can remain anonymous if you choose. https://www.paypal.com/us/fundraiser/hub
AmazonSmile–with the Amazon Smile Foundation. AmazonSmile is a way that individuals can support the Danish Windmill every time they shop at Amazon, through http://smile.amazon.com/. The AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price from your eligible AmazonSmile purchases. On your first visit to AmazonSmile, the shopper needs to select the Danish Windmill as the charitable organization to receive donations from eligible purchases before beginning to shop.