
Jule Sangbog


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The Christmas songbook with hymns and the Christmas meadow gospel can be a necessity on Christmas Eve if you can’t remember the verses. This songbook is a collection of the most used songs that you sing when you dance about the Christmas tree. Not everyone knows the lyrics by heart 😉 4 pcs. per bag. Songs that are in the book are: Christmas has brought benevolent message It chimes now for the Christmas party The most lovely rose Lovely is the earth Welcome again, God’s little angels Christmas has the sound of angels Chiming, You bells The Christmas gospel A child is born in Bethlehem Lovely the sky is blue Merry Christmas , lovely Christmas Welcome, Lord’s year High from a green top On the ceiling sits the goblin What a violent crowd and alarm The road goes to Nøddebo Now it’s Christmas again These songbooks are illustrated by Pobra’s well-known designer, who can create the most fantastic figures. Have a nice Christmas Eve, can perhaps start with someone reading the Christmas Gospel out loud before starting the dance around the beautifully decorated Christmas tree. And where afterwards the exciting gifts are handed out.

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