4.5″ x 4″ with a string to hang.
A Danish interior and souvenir company, where quality, aesthetics, sustainability and timeless designs are our foundation. VIBEAGER DESIGN is a family-owned company where we have different talents. Some are best at it with 2 lines underneath and others cannot understand that the 2 lines must absolutely be equal. Do we always agree? No, does it present challenges? Yes, but it makes for a fantastically dynamic company where everyone contributes and together it makes us stronger. As a family, we love designing, producing and servicing our customers. At VIBEAGER DESIGN, we focus on a stylish design expression that suits both classic and modern interior design. We interpret souvenirs, interiors and jewelery in a new and different way. Everything is designed and produced in Denmark, it is sustainable to produce locally, which is part of our foundation.